Durham in the spring

After the grey and damp February outing, what a contrast! Our Durham ramble took place on what must be the warmest day of the year thus far.

The walk began near to Shincliffe village and took us through Houghall woods then into Durham where we kept to the river before passing through some of the colleges in the south of the city and re-entering the woods. It was supposed to have been 6 miles but some devices recorded about 8!

Spooky trees

Positively Mediterranean

We are a walking group you know!

The heat got to Andrea in the end.

We stopped for drinks at Houghall nurseries at the end and picked Daffodils (£1 for 15!).
The walk was a mixture of town, woods and river without much climbing and not as muddy as it could have been. Worth doing again (perhaps one autumn).


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