Near Slayley
Six of us + 3 dogs ventured out on a walk we did two and a half years ago. This time it was a weekday stroll which is set to be a regular feature.
This was known as the 'anthill walk' because they were large and plentiful- see the shot below taken in 2016.

And this is what we found today...
Hopefully new trees will grow.
The ants were out catching the sun- it was more like April than February.
Jackson was exhausted after seeing off an attack by a mysterious dog. That's Millie begging for a sandwich. Zak the sheepdog (see the last pic below) got caught up in a bramble bush.
We encountered some dead (grey) squirrels hung on a fence. As this blog may be read by grey squirrel lovers I have declined to show the photo. Instead here is something more cheerful...
Near the start/end of the walk are the remains of a lead smelting works and a good spot for a group photo...
Jackson was just out of view. Once again we rounded off the walk with a visit to the Travellers Rest near Slayley. A very pleasant day out and a stark contrast in terms of weather to our last walk.
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