
June is splendid when it is not raining and today we had fine weather for a great walk starting in Rothbury and led by Marie.

Here are some cows. They had horns.

Below is Sharp's folly. No more needs to be said because there was a sign.

Sheep and the Cheviots

Lunch by the Simonside hills. There were a lot of  people (all Women) briskly striding past us around here, doing something organised by the Sheperds  walks organisation.

Cup and Ring markings (plus natural deposits). Seen much better ones at Ford.

There are high stiles around here - a problem for some of us!

One to add to the spooky trees collection!

This geezer is not often seen in this blog (Photo credit to John).

On return to Rothbury we had refreshment at the Queen's head whose barperson kindly took the group snap

Another fine walk - thanks to Marie & John. The countryside around Rothbury certainly knows how to charm at this time of year. Next blog entry will be the weekend away- cannot wait!


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